A-typical..the first thing i do is take out my sketchbook while my wife enjoys her tea and scones..lol

sketching is always a hurry-up-and-wait give me 10 more mins kinda thing.

here's the finished thingie...;)

lets do something to that tree...

look what santa got me! a sketchbook..*not funny*

i booked the whole cottage just for ourselves..hahaha..i wish...
*here's the trick,reserve a room on a wednesday..chances are there's not many ppl if any*

bring on da turkey please...:)

dinner is served...yummy :p

...just remember to use the back kitchen door when we're done and turn off da lights..haha

9am.you'd think this was taken in an english country..but no, it's right here in frasers...:)

i loooove scrambled eggs!

by dickens..it's the charles dickens room!

got my feet wet this time...
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