Book Reviews & Interviews!

Special thanks to Rizal Solomon for his kind words in the June 27th NST book review! >_<
Me with Christopher Lim, the Editor from the Business Times Singapore.

Being interviewed by Christopher Lim. 'Live' interviews are awkward ... just when you are getting warmed up, it's already over!

I'm very excited to see how the article turns out! (fingers crossed) :)


azhar said...

hi just bought your comic 'scary every after'.. will promote it at and pekomik blog..pekomik aka Persatuan Penggiat Komik Malaysia..

love if you can be part of PeKOMIK and..
your comic definitely will shorlist to be nominee for Anugerah PeKOMIK 2010..

nice to meet you John

Art Whiz said...

wow! azhar...that's awesome!! :)
i would love to a part of Anugerah Pekomik let me know if you need anything from me ya!
