Weekend at Tampin!

This is my favorite spot to hang out whenever I’m at Tampin!
hehe…there’s something very tranquil & magical about this place!

Alone with my sketchbook atop the wooden balcony…I can sketch away for hours! ;)

The finished drawing!

While drawing, I noticed something swimming in the river…I quickly grabbed my camera & took this pic!

It’s not a crocodile…just a very huge lizard… cool!!!

Me doing a quick sketch of Jacob...

Cool or not? ^_^


Anonymous said...

i LOOk at thE 1st piC ....
i mAcam gRow uP iN a PooR + ruMah pApAn .... hahahahahaha

J.Trevor said...

Hey, thanks! it seems the sketch
is cool... "p

johnhoys said...

you're welcome! hee..
will scan the sketch for u as promised wen i return from singapore,kay? ;)

J.Trevor said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
J.Trevor said...

fine... thanks!
see you then!

Anonymous said...

ewwww..i hate lizard..damn scary wei..

Anonymous said...

i went to e wrong url for weeks...*hahahahaha* =)) at e end i found it again thru ur comic site...btw,when r u going to show me ur sketchbook???

ruth tan said...

coolies like ur drawing !!...
teach me man ...

JBelle said...

wah.. really looks like Jayco!